What's Happening
Keep everyone up to date! Please feel free to email any announcements to our Pastor or our webmaster to include them in our bulletin and on the website.
You are invited to join us here on
these pages or on YouTube or Facebook.
You will find the links to these services
on the home page(front page) of this site.
To continue
supporting our church financially,
you can mail checks to...
Virginia United Methodist Church
7902 NW State Route 52
Butler, MO 64730
You are invited to join us here on
these pages or on YouTube or Facebook.
You will find the links to these services
on the home page(front page) of this site.
To continue
supporting our church financially,
you can mail checks to...
Virginia United Methodist Church
7902 NW State Route 52
Butler, MO 64730
Adult Sunday School Class
10 am, Everyone Welcome!
10 am, Everyone Welcome!
Board Meeting:
first Wednesday of each month.
first Wednesday of each month.
Fellowship Dinner
Third Sunday of every month
immediately following Church services
Everyone Welcome
Third Sunday of every month
immediately following Church services
Everyone Welcome
Donate to Local Mission
and "No More Malaria"
in vestibule
and "No More Malaria"
in vestibule
Daily Prayer
Let's all vow to pray each day
either 12pm or 12am!
Let's all vow to pray each day
either 12pm or 12am!
- For our community,
our country,
our world
to return to God.
- A goal or target for
our church's outreach.
our country,
our world
to return to God.
our church's outreach.